Daily Inspiration

Saturday, January 25

You are not in darkness, so that that day should overtake you as it would thieves.—1 Thess. 5:4.

Earthshaking events will soon occur. The fulfillment of Bible prophecies confirms this fact, so we need to keep on the watch. What will help us to do that? The apostle Paul urges us to “keep our eyes . . . on the things unseen.” Yes, we need to bear in mind our reward of everlasting life, be it in heaven or on earth. As the context shows, Paul wrote these words to encourage fellow believers to focus on the happy outcome of their faithful course. Doing so would also help them to cope with trials and persecution. (2 Cor. 4:8, 9, 16-18; 5:7) Paul’s admonition contains an important principle: To keep our hope firm, we must look beyond the things that are immediately before us. We need to focus on significant events that are as yet unseen.—Heb. 11:1; 12:1, 2

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Day 4: Identify My Values from 31 Day Reset Challenge by Rosetta Thurman

Today's challenge required that I develop a list of my values and from that list I was to pick the top 10 in no particular order.  From that list I am to develop a mission statement.

My list consist of only 7 values of importance to me.  At the top of my list I am concerned about health.  For without it there is no way to accomplish any other listed values.  However, before writing my personal mission statement I had to gauge if I have a full understanding of what a personal mission statement is.  The following is my definition:

A personal mission statement defines in a paragraph or so a person's reason for existence. It embodies their  philosophies, goals, ambitions and morals. Any person that attempts to exist without a mission statement runs the risk of wandering through life without having the ability to verify that he/she is on their intended course. 

Personal Mission Statement

My purpose for being on this earth is to help others recognize, develop, and use their God-given intuitive abilities to ease suffering and grow in goodness, love, compassion, and wisdom. To accomplish this I will overcome the shackles of poor health, Diabetes, Hypertension, High Cholesterol and Depression.  I discovered being a slave to these conditions serve only to distract me.  These conditions drain me of the motivation needed to focus and accomplish my true purpose.  I will learn to communicate more effectively in my marriage (home) and relationships (outside of home) so that I am a worthy messenger of hope and love that only Jehovah can provide.  I will further develop my relationship with God through the study of His word so that I remain dedicated to learning how to be a better person.  I will pray daily for understanding, guidance, compassion so that I may be able to accomplish all of the above.

Zenobia's Daughter

This my 15 minute free-for-all list of all the things that means a lot to me in my life

The following list (exercise) Day 4:  Identify Your Values



God's Word

Blood Pressure and Cholesterol




Saturday, March 3, 2012

Day 3: WRITE A LOVE LETTER TO MY FUTURE SELF from 31 days to Reset Your Life Challenge by Rosetta Thurman

Dear Rita:

Congratulations on all the progress you've made so far!  Now you have even more to be grateful for in each area of your life including:

Lifestyle:  I love the life you are building for yourself and with great anticipation I believe the days ahead look even brighter than they did prior to you making your mind up to live your life on your own terms.

Work:  I love how you are finally earning a living doing things you enjoy doing and I think it is especially clever how you found a way to earn a living doing it.

Finances:  I love how you have become more responsible with your finances.  No longer spending frivolously, saving consistently and paying your bills on time.  Your credit score is getting better, that's wonderful I can see where your discipline is paying off.

Health:  I love that you are finally under 200 pounds and back on track eating healthy and exercising regularly.

Family:  I love how you and Mr. Mack are now communicating more effectively, are more intimate with each other, spending quality time together, praying and worshiping together and totally supportive of each others dreams and desires.

Relationships:  I love that you are identifying those who are healthy to be around and isolating or minimizing your association with those who are less healthy for you to be around.  I know it is hard at times because some of those you are distancing yourself from are family and friends.  However, I want to encourage you to  stand by your decision to live your life in accordance with Jehovah's will.  Remember, seek his kingdom first and all other things will be added unto you.

I am so proud of how far you've come in 30 days.  You have made some great strides.  Remember don't forget to pray regularly, study God's word regularly and know that I believe in you and I love you.

Love your girl Rita

PS.  I thought you might like this video.  It has a very encouraging message.

Sunday, February 26, 2012


I heard this today and to say it was awesome seem to eclipse the intensity of it.

Day 2: Conduct A Life Assessment from 31 Day to Reset Your Life Challenge by Rosetta Thurman

Day 2 consists of me taking an honest assessment of seven specific areas of my life.  The idea is that in my life (yours too!) there are some things I appreciate and there are some things I want to change.

The two fold objective:

1.  Forces me to own up to exactly which areas I'd like to improve upon in my life.
2.  Helps me build encouragement to build on the areas I feel are great.


The 7 areas of my life to assess are:

1.  Lifestyle
2.  Work
3.  Education
4.  Finances
5.  Health
6.  Family
7.  Relationship

The questions answered at the end of this assessment:

1.  What do I LIKE about this area of my life?
2.  What do I DISLIKE about it?

LIFESTYLE:  I like where I live now, it is within walking distance of bike trails, walking trails and a lake.  However, I dislike the fact that I no longer own my home (lost to foreclosure) and the rent for the house where I live in now is overpriced.  If this house were located in another area like where I use to live the rent would be $600 - $800 less.   As for leisure at this time I am learning how to have and appreciate leisure activity.  I will blog about this later.

WORK:  I am a Correctional Officer and for the most part I enjoy the responsibilities of my job, but I strongly dislike the politics (supervision). I would elaborate but that would make the intentions of this exercise pale in comparison.  And, to further write about my disdain about being a CO may lead to shooting myself in the foot.  I will blog about this later.

EDUCATION:  I like feeling that I am one of the smartest people I know (and if you knew me you would agree).  However, I cannot attribute this to formal training.  Don’t get me wrong. I completed 3 years of college, 116 credit hours and at the time of leaving my GPA had dropped from a 3.0 to a 2.5.  Yes, it’s true I am stone’s throw from a BA in Business Administration.   .  However, I believe finishing would only serve to plunge me further into debt.  I believe the higher learning education system depletes individuals of their ability to continue self discovery, independence and humanity.  The system is designed in such a way that fosters mental slavery and the benefits of having this education is elusive for many who leave with greater level of debt then when WAIT, 

"I will blog about this later"

Let me just say that I am best qualified to determine what information I am exposed to will prove to be of the most benefit for me.  I feel about mental nourishment the same as I do about physical nourishment. Only in the reverse though…
For physical nourishment I try to restrict my intake to food that is good for me and not just good to me.  For mental nourishment I try to restrict my intake to food that is good to me and not just good for me.

FINANCES:  What I like about this area of my life is hard to say.  Let me see, well I like that I am physically and mentally cable of earning an income for myself.  I know that was a stretch right?  Just that my dislikes in this area of my life gravely outweigh the likes.  I have had no formal training (or any other kind) about money.  I have a 500 something credit score, very little in savings and investments and I am not earning my full potentials worth.  Constantly I am bithching and moaning (did I just say bitching) (yes I did sorry!)

"I want to quit my job, be totally independent, self employed and so forth."

 However, that is never going to happen until I get this area of my life in order.  I will blog about this later

HEALTH:  I like that I have an idea for the first time in my life what I need to do to reach my goal of obtaining optimal health.  I started my spiritual health journey April 2010, physical health journey January 2011 read about it at newleadonlife.blogspot.com and my mental health journey February 2012.  I will blog about this more in detail later.

FAMILY:  I like (LOVE) my sister Chris and Brother Nate.  What I dislike is that the relationship with my siblings isn't as close as it once was.  I will blog about this later.

RELATIONSHIPS:  I like (LOVE) Mr. Mack.  I have a relationship that is evolving gradually into one that is mutually satisfying.  What is happening now is after 5 years into this we are truly developing working knowledge to effectively navigate around what buttons to push and which ones not to.  What concerns me most (ok what I dislike) is we don't spend enough meaningful time together?  We need to get back to having a date night each week.

Oil Pulling

It's making headlines on the net. Oil pulling is healing people of all sorts of health problems. There are stories of people healing themselves after oil pulling for 6 weeks - 6 months, wholly or party of a huge range of symptoms including:

  1. Snoring
  2. Sinus
  3. Arthritis
  4. Lack of Energy
  5. Lack of memory
  6. Mental fog
  7. High blood pressure (127/85)
  8. Blood sugar levels (156)
  9. Bronchitis
  10. Difficulty sleeping
  11. Pain
  12. Hemorroids
  13. Warts
  14. Stretch marks
  15. Allergies
  16. The list goes on and on